суббота, 18 октября 2014 г.

Узор вязания крючком ( ракушки)

Узор вязания крючком

pt-493 (632x337, 278Kb)
Foundation Chain: Multiples of 8 + 2
Techniques used in this pattern (British term / American term):
Chain stitch – ch
Double crochet / Single crochet – dc / sc
Half treble / Half double crochet – h.tr / h.dc
Double treble / Treble – d.tr / tr
Shell - work in the same stitch 7 d.tr / tr

Relief dc worked at front / Relief sc worked at front – rdcf / rscf:
Insert the hook from the front and from the right to left round the double treble / treble and work dc/sc normally.

Row 1: 1 ch miss, * 1 dc/sc in next, 3 ch miss, shell in next ch, 3 ch miss; rep from*, 1 dc/sc in last ch, turn.
Row 2: 3 ch, * 5 rdcf / rscf over 5 middle d.tr/tr of shell, 3 ch; rep from*, 1ch, 1 h.tr/h.dc in dc/sc below, turn.
Row 3: 4ch, 3 d. tr/tr in foundation ch (see pictures below),
* 1 dc/sc in middle rdcf / rscf, shell in foundation ch ; rep from*, 1 dc/sc in middle rdcf / rscf, 4 d.tr/tr in last foundation ch, turn.
Row 4: 1 ch, 1 dc/sc in d.tr/tr below, 2 rdcf / rscf, * 3 ch, 5 rdcf / rscf over 5 middle d.tr/tr of shell, rep from*, 3 ch, 2 rdcf / rscf, 1dc/sc in ch, turn.
Row 5: 1 ch , 1 dc/sc in dc/sc below,* 2 rows miss and work shell in middle rdcf / rscf, 1 dc/sc in middle rdcf / rscf of previous row; rep from*,
at the end of row work 1 dc/sc in dc/sc below, turn.
Row 6: 3 ch, * 5 rdcf / rscf over 5 middle d.tr/tr of shell, 3 ch; rep from*, 1ch, 1 h.tr/h.dc in ch, turn.
Row 7: 4ch, 2 rows miss, 3 d. tr/tr in dc/sc below , * 1 dc/sc in middle rdcf / rscf, 2 rows miss, work shell in middle rdcf / rscf; rep from*, 1 dc/sc in middle rdcf / rscf, 2 rows miss, 4 d.tr/tr in dc/sc below, turn.
Repeat 4 – 7 rows until you have reached your desired length.

Four color combination

Work this pattern in next color order: * dark grey, light green, light grey, dark green, light green, dark grey, dark green, light grey; rep from*.

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